Early Childhood Center

These ideals are invoked so often they're part of our daily practice. Yet every time our athletes take the playing field, we breathe fresh meaning into them. We bring the best of ourselves to the game.

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Lower School Library

Our decision to stay in this urban, multicultural community affirms our belief that the lessons of racial and cultural diversity are a central manifestation of our commitment to Friends’ teachings.

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Alen Parker​ SAID

The Anne Frank Library

Goals for the Lower School Library Program:

When you begin with the belief that each person has a unique inner light, great things can happen. At, we discover and nurture a multitude of hidden talents. We teach each child to speak his or her mind, and make sure every voice is heard. We believe community is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

Lower School Learning Commons

Flexible Space and Furnishings

We are a Friends school, under the care of Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, founded on the belief that there is that of God in everyone. Together, love and respect for each individual provide the premise for all that we do. We regard education not as training for a particular way of life.